Junior Elite Tennis
Our Junior Elite Tennis Program is tailor-made for dedicated and hardworking junior players aiming to reach their maximum potential. The program offers comprehensive on-court instruction, match play, strategy and tactics, mental training, and fitness conditioning. We look beyond the obvious to understand each athlete’s true potential, both as individuals and players, and systematically develop that potential through exceptional coaching. By building a strong foundation in technique, ball control, physical training, competitiveness, and a winning mindset, our program ensures holistic growth. We foster a positive environment focused on continuous improvement in all areas—technical, tactical, physical, and mental—helping athletes strive for excellence in every aspect of their game.
JET I (ages 8-10)
Mon, Wed, Fri: 4:00-6:00pm
In this stage, athletes are ready to develop more dynamic movement, and drills and exercises are more challenging. Players should become consistent, have an excellent technique and know how to place the ball successfully in all areas of the court. They learn how to play points with a purpose, incorporating tactics and strategies and are introduced to competition.
2 Weekly sessions
90 mins of tennis + 30 mins of fitness per session
Max participants per coach: 6
Instructor: TBD
JET II (ages 10-14)
Mon, Wed, Fri: 4:00-6:00pm
During this stage, players should have superlative technique and are trained mainly on the tactical, physical and mental aspects of competition, learning how to play in offensive and defensive situations, improve decision-making skills and find solutions on their own. They will be able to set up goals for practice sessions and tournaments, manage emotions and analyze matches. Players should play at least two tournaments per month, and at the end of the stage they should play regularly ITF, L1, L2 tournaments.
3 Weekly sessions
Max participants per coach: 4
Instructor: TBD
JET III (ages 14-18)
In this stage, work continues with the tactical component, and match situations are repeatedly stressed in drills and control exercises. Players develop patterns of play that allow them to compete with the tools they possess and learn how to compensate for weaknesses and avoid vulnerable areas. On the mental side, the focus is on how to control adversity and deal with pressure situations. Players should play at least two tournaments per month, and they should play regularly ITF, L1, L2 tournaments.
4-5 Weekly sessions
Max participants per coach: 4
Instructor: TBD
1:1 Custom-Tailored Program
Focus on your game with additional individual sessions tailored to your personal needs. JET expert coaches lead uniquely designed programs that may include match and strategy analysis, strength & conditioning, mental performance training and nutrition coaching.
The duration of these programs varies based on goals and training cycle period.
These programs include:
– pre-assessment
– goal-setting meeting
– final evaluation
– player report with a 3-6 month planning proposal